Sulein goes USA

August 2006 - June 2007: ten months USA - Teaching German at a College in Indiana. Isn´t it a great opportunity?

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Ich hab ja im Dez. ein Fulbright meeting in DC. Und da hab ich ne E-Mail gekriegt mit diesem Inhalt:

Every year, a few FLTAs are invited to be speakers at the workshop. We are hoping some of you are eager to continue this tradition. Presentation proposals can cover a range of topics that are relevant to your role as an FLTA at your host institution. Candidates can present on effective activities they have utilized in their work as language teachers in the U.S. or they can speak specifically about volunteer work that has allowed them to share their culture in the community.

Okay, ich hatte dazu keinen Bock. Is ja nicht schlimm. Dann kam diese Mial:

We are disappointed to see that we have only received 4 proposals for FLTA presentations at the December 2006 workshop. FLTA presentations on their teaching experiences are a very important part of the workshop and we are really looking forward to hearing some more great ideas for presentations. As an incentive for proposals, there will be a prize for those selected to present.

Okay, ich hatte immernoch keinen Bock. Es nehmen schliesslich 150 Leute teil, da wird sich schon wer finden! Dann kam auf einmal diese Mail:

I am writing to you because you have been chosen to be the four FLTA panelists based on the recent survey responses which you all filled out with such enthusiasm and thought. (Wir bekamen nen Fragebogen, wies uns so ergeht in den Staaten, da war ich wohl zu euphorisch!)You will be speaking in front of other FLTAs, members of the Institute of International Education and members of the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Education and Cultural Affairs. (!!Wow!!)Please keep in mind that you are not required to be a panelist, but we would really love to have you speak at this event. Remember that this is a really big honor to be selected as a panelist at this workshop (!!!).

Naaa toll!!! Immerhin bin ich wohl einer von den 4 Menschen, denens hier am besten gefaellt! Aber toll, jetz muss ich alles vorbereiten. Is schon bissi fies: Keiner will und dann erwaehlen sie mich und sagen, welch grooosse Ehre das ist! Haha.


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